Building Leadership Capacity

Building Leadership Capacity

Situation Statement

Leadership is critical at several levels, from elected officials and internal management structure of organizations to project managers, team leaders, and those who inspire throughout a community. Thriving communities may require many leaders willing to take on leadership roles. And yet, it can be a challenge to identify new leaders or to encourage leaders to step up to the role without first building leadership capacity (CEDIK 2024). Respondents participating in the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Community Needs Assessment identified the need to build leadership capacity to enhance individual and family development and community and economic development. Kentucky has a statewide need to “prepare community members for formal/informal leadership and/or volunteer roles” and to build “capacity of local nonprofits and community leaders,” according to the survey. UK Extension aims to work on strengthening critical leadership skills and confidence for new and emerging leaders so that the pool of willing and capable leaders can rise to match local needs. Volunteer training can have motivational benefits ranging from inspiring volunteers to get more involved to keeping them in the program (Fox, Hebert, Martin & Bairnsfather, 2009).

Youth Focus

4-H opportunities profoundly impact individuals and communities in Kentucky by equipping youth with essential skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, fostering personal leadership, and community engagement. Skills like analytical thinking, creative thinking, resilience, flexibility, and adaptability are key to future employment (World Economic Forum, 2023). 77% of employers say that there should be less focus on traditional school subjects and more focus on real-world skills (Kauffman Foundation, 2021). In the 2023 University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Needs Assessment youth life skill training opportunities (such as leadership and communication skill opportunities), strengthening youth workforce readiness, and strengthening youth-adult or mentorship relationships were top priorities across Kentucky. According to the National 4-H Annual Index Survey (2024), 95% of youth identified their strengths through 4-H, 80% explored career options, and 50% received guidance for college decisions. Additionally, 75% enjoyed helping their community, and 93% felt inspired by 4-H, with 42% being inspired “a lot” to volunteer. These experiences build leadership capacity, promote civic engagement, and create connected, resilient communities by encouraging critical thinking and empathy. Furthermore, 4-H offers life skill training, strengthens youth workforce readiness, fosters mentorship, maximizes youth voice in important issues, and enhances peer-peer relationships.

Long-term Outcomes


  • Strong leadership pool for community boards and organizations
  • Strong boards and organizations accomplish more in the community
  • Increased community pride or investment
  • Improved local economy
  • Improved quality of life for citizens


  • Youth will demonstrate necessary leadership, teamwork, and communication skills needed to be successful in the workplace. 
  • Youth participation in community involvement increases.  
  • Youth will serve in leadership roles in their community.  
  • Youth will more effectively communicate, work with others, and contribute to driving change and shaping the future. 

Medium-term Outcomes


  • Participants gain confidence to lead
  • Leaders are inspired to get more involved
  • Leaders address community issues and needs
  • Leaders recruit and engage others to participate in community projects
  • Leaders mentor others
  • Increased knowledge transfer through volunteer-led positions


  • Youth will practice teamwork, responsibility, communication, conflict resolution techniques, and problem-solving skills.  
  • Youth will plan and implement a service project. 

Short-term Outcomes


  • Improved leadership skills
  • Enhanced knowledge of concepts and practices
  • Knowledge gained through training programs
  • Taking on leadership roles for the first time
  • Assuming new leadership roles
  • Participants give their time to serve in volunteer roles


  • Youth will explore their spark in leadership. 
  • Youth identify personal strengths that contribute to leadership skill development (communication, teamwork, civic engagement).  
  • Youth successfully worked in a team environment to accomplish a task.  
  • Youth realize how their actions impact others

Learning Opportunities


Audience: Individuals

Project or Activity: Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA)

Content or Curriculum: KEHA Leadership Academy, Homemakers Leader Lessons, Publications, Newsletters/News & Notes, Officer/Chairman training materials, KEHA State Meeting, various other resources and materials

Inputs: Programmatic materials, training, mentoring, paid staff, volunteers, community partners, non-profits, etc.

Dates: Ongoing

Audience: Individuals

Project or Activity: Master Clothing Volunteers (MCV)

Content or Curriculum: Publications, MCV training, continuing education/content experts

Inputs: Programmatic materials, paid staff, volunteers, community partners, agents, Homemakers, etc.

Dates: Ongoing

Audience: Individuals

Project or Activity: Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)

Content or Curriculum: KELD curriculum (e.g., Learning styles, communication essentials, teamwork, dealing with conflict, generational differences, SWOT analysis, etc.), Publications, other materials and expertise

Inputs: Programmatic materials, paid staff, community partners, volunteers, etc.

Dates: Ongoing

Audience: Individuals

Project or Activity: Kentucky Agricultural Leadership Program (KALP)

Content or Curriculum: KALP curriculum, Publications, other materials and expertise

Inputs: Programmatic materials, paid staff, external evaluators, community partners, volunteers, etc. 

Dates: Ongoing

Audience: Communities

Project or Activity: Supporting Citizen Engagement

Content or Curriculum: Creating Welcoming Communities, Becoming an Informed Citizen, Robert’s Rules Refresh, Youth & Adult Listening Sessions, KY Voter Education Resources, Engaging City Councils, Civic Engagement Through Voting, How To: Community Forums

Inputs: Programmatic materials, paid staff, community partners, volunteers, grant funds, local organizations and community partners, etc. 

Dates: Ongoing


Audience: Youth  

Project or Activity: 4-H Leadership Program

Content or Curriculum: Curriculum such as Leadership Skills you never outgrow is sourced from Shop 4-H and Ricochet: An Extreme 4-H Leadership Adventure is sourced from other Land Grant Systems. All curriculum pieces focus on leadership, communication, and civic engagement.

Inputs: In school clubs for middle and high school, after school clubs for teens, area ten councils, Middle school leadership clubs, and civic engagement opportunities. These programs are supported by the research base of the Cooperative Extension Land-grant system, funding from the Kentucky 4-H Foundation, Inc., local, state, and federal sources, grants, and the engagement of volunteers, youth, communities, and external stakeholders such as civic groups. 

Dates: Summer  


Audience: Youth  

Project or Activity: Teen Conference

Content or Curriculum: Curriculum is sourced from Shop 4-H and the Land Grant System, focuses on leadership, communication, and civic engagement.

Inputs: These programs are supported by the research base of the Cooperative Extension Land-grant system, funding from the Kentucky 4-H Foundation, Inc., local, state, and federal sources, grants, and the engagement of volunteers, youth, communities, and external stakeholders such as civic groups.

Dates: Summer  


Audience: Youth  

Project or Activity: 4-H Summit

Content or Curriculum: Curriculum is sourced from Shop 4-H and the Land Grant System, focuses on leadership, communication, and civic engagement.

Inputs: These programs are supported by the research base of the Cooperative Extension Land-grant system, funding from the Kentucky 4-H Foundation, Inc., local, state, and federal sources, grants, and the engagement of volunteers, youth, communities, and external stakeholders such as civic groups.

Dates: Fall 


Audience: Youth 

Project or Activity: 4-H State Teen Council, Leadership Boards and Task Forces 

Content or Curriculum: Curriculum is sourced from Shop 4-H and the Land Grant System, focuses on leadership, communication, and civic engagement.

Inputs: These programs are supported by the research base of the Cooperative Extension Land-grant system, funding from the Kentucky 4-H Foundation, Inc., local, state, and federal sources, grants, and the engagement of volunteers, youth, communities, and external stakeholders such as civic groups. 

Dates: Throughout the Program year


Audience: Youth  

Project or Activity: State 4-H Officer Program

Content or Curriculum: Curriculum is sourced from Shop 4-H and the Land Grant System, focuses on leadership, communication, and civic engagement. 

Inputs: These programs are supported by the research base of the Cooperative Extension Land-grant system, funding from the Kentucky 4-H Foundation, Inc., local, state, and federal sources, grants, and the engagement of volunteers, youth, communities, and external stakeholders such as civic groups. 

Dates: Throughout the program year 


Audience: Youth  

Project or Activity: 4-H Camp Counselor Training (Teens) 

Content or Curriculum: Content in the Camp Volunteer Training Guide is sourced from the American Camp Association best practices and focuses on developmental needs of campers, safety considerations, operating procedures, age-appropriate behavior management, and camper supervision techniques.

Inputs: These trainings are supported by the research base of the American Camp Association with materials provided by the 4-H State Office, funding from the Kentucky 4-H Foundation, Inc., local, state, and federal sources, grants, and led by County Extension Staff responsible for 4-H Camp. 

Dates: Pre-Summer  


Audience: Youth  

Project or Activity: 4-H State Leadership Boards / Task Forces / Area Councils 

Content or Curriculum: Curriculum is sourced from Shop 4-H and the Land Grant System, focuses on leadership, communication, and civic engagement.

Inputs: These programs are supported by the research base of the Cooperative Extension Land-grant system, funding from the Kentucky 4-H Foundation, Inc., local, state, and federal sources, grants, and the engagement of volunteers, youth, communities, and external stakeholders such as civic groups.

Dates: Throughout the Program Year


Audience: Youth  

Project or Activity: Achievement Program

Content or Curriculum: Curriculum is sourced from Shop 4-H and the Land Grant System, focuses on leadership, communication, and civic engagement. 

Inputs: These programs are supported by the research base of the Cooperative Extension Land-grant system, funding from the Kentucky 4-H Foundation, Inc., local, state, and federal sources, grants, and the engagement of volunteers, youth, communities, and external stakeholders such as civic groups. 

Dates: Throughout the year



Outcome: Improved leadership skills. (initial)

Indicator: Number of people reporting improved leadership skills (e.g., facilitation, conflict management, communication).

Method: Post participation survey (self-assessment of learning gains)

Timeline: Survey will be collected immediately after program participation

Outcome: Knowledge gained through completing training programs. (initial)

Indicator: Number of people reporting enhanced knowledge of leadership concepts and practices (e.g. leadership styles, conflict resolution, team dynamics).

Method: Post participation survey (self-assessment of learning gains)

Timeline: Survey will be collected immediately after program participation

Outcome: Increased applied leadership knowledge for individuals serving in formal leadership roles. (initial)

Indicator: Number of people reporting improved applied leadership knowledge (e.g., governance, financial oversight, strategic planning) from participation in board, officer, or leadership training programs.

Method: Post-training surveys measuring knowledge gained in governance-related skills

Timeline: Survey collected immediately after training; follow-up conducted at three and six months to assess knowledge application 

Outcome: Increased participation in leadership roles by first-time leaders. (initial)

Indicator: Number of people taking on a leadership role for the first time as a result of Extension leadership programs.

Method: Post-participation survey (self-reported leadership involvement); follow-up evaluation with community partners.

Timeline: Survey collected immediately after program completion and follow up evaluation conducted at six months.

Outcome: Expanded leadership engagement among program participants. (initial)

Indicator: Number of people assuming new leadership roles (formal or informal) as a result of Extension leadership programs.

Method: Post-participation survey (self-reported leadership role adoption); annual follow-up tracking leadership retention.

Timeline: Initial survey collected at program completion; follow-up evaluation annually

Outcome: Giving time to serve in volunteer roles (e.g., KEHA or KALP members, Master programs, etc.). (initial)

Indicator: Number of people volunteering time to assist Extension or community activities and events (ex: KEHA or KALP members, Master programs, etc.)

Method: Post participation survey (self-assessment of learning gains)

Timeline: Survey will be collected immediately after program participation; also monthly, quarterly, or annual volunteer hour reports.

Outcome: Increased engagement via knowledge transfer through volunteer-led Extension programs. (initial)

Indicator: Number of participants who actively engaged in learning opportunities facilitated by trained Extension volunteers (e.g., KEHA or KALP members, Master programs).

Method: Post-event/program surveys measuring participant engagement and knowledge gained; volunteer reports tracking education interactions.

Timeline: Data collected immediately after each program/event.

Outcome: Increased confidence to lead. (intermediate)

Indicator: Number of people reporting increased confidence in their leadership abilities. 

Method: Post participation survey (self-assessment of learning gains); monitoring changes in local and state leadership positions.

Timeline: Survey will be collected immediately after program participation or via follow-up evaluation after six months.

Outcome: Survey will be collected immediately after program participation or via follow-up evaluation after six months.

Indicator: Number of volunteers addressing community issues by assessing needs, developing programs and/or implementing solutions.

Method: Post-program survey (self-reported participation in community issue resolution); documentation of volunteer-led initiatives.

Timeline: Survey collected immediately after program participation; follow-up evaluation conducted at 3 and 6 months.


Outcome: Leaders recruit and engage others to participate in projects. (intermediate)

Indicator: Number of people actively recruiting and engaging others to participate in community projects.

Method: Post-program survey (self-reported recruitment efforts); tracking participation in community-led projects.

Timeline: Survey collected immediately after program completion; follow-up conducted at three and six months.

Outcome: Increased mentorship opportunities within leadership programs. (intermediate)

Indicator: Number of people serving as mentors to emerging leaders..

Method: Post-program survey (self-reported mentorship engagement); follow-up with mentees and community partners.

Timeline: Survey collected immediately after program completion; follow-up conducted at six months.

Outcome: Engage leaders in local coalitions and organizations. (long-term)

Indicator: Number of individuals actively engaged in coalitions or organizations to address significant community issues.

Method: Post-program survey (self-reported recruitment efforts); tracking participation in coalitions and organizations.

Timeline: Survey collected immediately after program completion; follow-up conducted at three and six months.

Outcome: Implementation of strategies that improve community conditions. (long-term)

Indicator: Number of strategies reported as adopted and implemented to improve community conditions.

Method: Program reports, community partner documentation, and case studies tracking the implementation of strategies.

Timeline: Data collected through quarterly or annual reporting from program participants and community stakeholders.

Outcome: Increased community pride (long-term)

Indicator: Number of participants reporting a stronger sense of pride, identity, or community investment after engaging in Extension initiatives.

Method: Photos, documentation, post-program survey; follow up.

Timeline: Survey collected immediately after program completion; follow-up conduced at 3 and 6 months.

Survey Youth

Outcome: Short Term  


  • Number of youth who reported that they have identified personal strengths in leadership (including teamwork, responsibilities, communication, conflict resolution, problem solving, parliamentary procedure).  
  • Number of youth who reported that they have set goals to serve in leadership roles.  
  • Number of youth who reported that they are interested in serving as a leader. 

Method: Survey  

Timeline: After Program/ Activity Completion  

Outcome: Medium Term


  • Number of youth who reported that they applied leadership skills learned in 4-H (e.g., teamwork, responsibilities, communication, conflict resolution, problem solving, parliamentary procedure) to other areas of their life, such as at home, school, etc.  
  • Number of youth who reported that they have served in leadership roles beyond the 4-H club or county level. 
  • Number of youth who reported that they have used the skills learned in to plan and implement a workshop or activity.  

Method: Survey 

Timeline: At end of Club/Program Year  

Outcome: Long Term

Indicator: Long-term evaluation will be conducted using the National 4-H Index Study

Method: Survey  

Timeline: At least a year from participation

Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D.
Acting Director

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302