The Extension Community Assessment is a new process developed to better understand the unique needs of each Kentucky county. The goal is that by using the information from this assessment, Extension can better serve its clientele with educational programming and facilitation of community discussions to improve the lives of all Kentuckians. 

To be successful, we need your input and your help. 

The first step is the Community Assessment Survey, available here. We ask you to rank the importance of a number of issues and there is opportunity to add your own. Next, experts at the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food and Environment will collect the data from each county, review secondary data, and then compile the information into an analysis that will be returned to the county. This analysis will determine educational programming and hiring decisions in the future. In addition, each county will conduct focus groups, key informant interviews and community forums. If you are interested in participating in those, please reach out to your county Extension office. You can find contact information for each office here. 

As we continue through the process to update and target our programming, we ask that you continue to stay involved. Extension depends on citizen involvement to enrich our programs. To stay involved, contact your local Extension office. There are numerous volunteer opportunities, classes, and other community activities. 

Thank you for your support!